Ksenija Kadicさん(クセーニャ・カディックさん:ロンドンのリカバリーカレッジCamden & Islingtonのマネージャー)と日本のリカバリーカレッジに関わる皆さんでの交流会を2023年8月31日にZOOMで開催しました。
Ksenijaさんがお休みに日本に来日されるとのことでご紹介いただき(ゆかさんご紹介ありがとうございます!)、日本のリカバリーカレッジの運営にかかわるみなさんと交流する機会をいただきました。 全国のリカバリーカレッジに関わっている皆さんが参加できるよう、この交流会はZOOMで企画しました。
Ksenija Kadic (Manager of Camden & Islington, a recovery college in London) and people involved with recovery colleges in Japan had a social event at ZOOM on August 31, 2023.
Ksenija was visiting Japan for her vacation (thank you to Yuka for connecting us!), and we had the opportunity to meet with people involved in managing recovery colleges in Japan. We organized this meeting through ZOOM so that anyone from all over the country could participate.
(I mainly invited our colleagues in the Recovery College Network, a network of people managing recovery colleges, to participate.)
We heard Ksenija’s introduction, the Recovery College C&I, and courses and trainers (also known as tutors). It was an inspiring and fast two hours, as we talked a lot about the training for trainers, co-production and recovery, and the essential pillars of recovery college: Hope, Opportunity, and Control.
I thought a lot about what recovery colleges are, about recovery, and about sharing experiences.
Thank you so much to Ksenija and everyone who attended.
The photo was taken only with those willing to be photographed and to use the snap on social networking sites.